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external assessment中文是什么意思

用"external assessment"造句"external assessment"怎么读"external assessment" in a sentence


  • 校外评估;校外评审
  • 校外评审


  • External assessment methods
  • By means of various training activities on quality performance and the implementation of internal quality assessment exercises , our service units were able to take positive steps in preparing for both internal and external assessment , and striving for quality excellence
  • The dissertation analyzes our electrical home appliances enterprises " external assessment and sale - forces , and introduces the theory of performance management , and emphasizes on the run of ocehae sale - forces performance management system , and refers some relevant foreign research outcome , farther puts forward the opinions of own about how to do effective ocehae sale - forces performance management
  • We pay more attention on the external assessments including politics , economy , laws , culture , technology and etc . in part two , according the assessment herein before , we seek after the way of building the very core rivalship ability of the sme , and the carving out strategy of sme
  • In the case analysis , v - i - e ( vision - internalassessment - external assessment ) model for strategic development of smb and greiner model are introduced . combined with other theories learned during mba study , these two models are used to analyze the case . the successes and faults of teamwell during first year are summaried
    在案例分析部分,首先介绍了中小企业战略开发的v - i - e ( vision - internalassessment - externalassessment )框架和中小企业发展五个阶段的“格雷纳模型” ,结合其它mba所学的相关理论,对深圳天威通信设备有限公司这一案例素材进行了分析,总结了该公司在第一年战略开发的得失,指出正确的战略思路对中小企业生存和发展的重要意义。
用"external assessment"造句  
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